Financial Markets and Institutions(GE)(八版)比較
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內容簡介: ●Chapter Previews at the beginning of each chapter tell students where the chapter is heading, why specific topics are important, and how they relate to other topics in the book.
●Numerical Examples guide students through solutions to financial problems using formulas, time lines, and calculator key strokes.
●Summary Tables are useful study aids for reviewing material.
博客來●Key Statements are important points that are set in boldface type so that students can easily find them for later reference.
博客來書店●Graphs with captions, numbering over 60, help students understand the interrelationship of the variables plotted and the principles of analysis.
●Summaries at the end of each chapter list the chapter’s main points.
●Key Terms are important words or phrases that appear in boldface type when they are defined for the first time and are listed at the end of each chapter.
●End-of-Chapter Questions help students learn the subject matter by applying economic concepts, and feature a special class of questions that students find particularly relevant, titled “Predicting the Future.”
●End-of-Chapter Quantitative Problems, numbering over 250, help students to develop their quantitative skills.
Financial Markets and Institutions(GE)(八版)比較 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Frederic S. Mishkin, Stanley G. Eakins
- 出版社:華泰文化 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/06/22
- 語言:英文
Financial Markets and Institutions(GE)(八版)比較 評比 博客來網路書局
Financial Markets and Institutions(GE)(八版)比較
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Financial Markets and Institutions(GE)(八版)比較