Marketing in Asia(三版)非逛不可

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內容簡介: ●In-Class Activities: These activities are designed to engage students in discussions with the instructor and fellow students. They involve individual and group activities, marketing research methods (surveys, focus groups, and online resources), brainstorming exercises, out-of-class assignments, and personal observations/write-ups. Each activity illustrates a concept from the textbook and typically involves 5 to 15 minutes of in-class time.
博客來網路書局●Building Your Marketing Plan. The Building Your Marketing Plan guides at the end of each chapter are based on the format of the Marketing Plan presented in Appendix A. On the basis of self-study or as part of a course assignment, students can use the activities to organize interactions with businesses to build a marketing plan. Students and employers often suggest that a well-written plan in a student's portfolio is an asset in today's competitive job interviews. In Section V of the Instructor's Manual is a comprehensive set of resources to assist instructors in assigning and evaluating student marketing plan assignments.

博客來書店博客來網路書店●Interactive Web Page and Blog: ( The blog provides articles on current marketing topics for instructors and students. These short articles include videos, websites, synopses, and a classroom discussion guides so instructors can emphasize the practical aspects of marketing and help students develop professional marketing skills

●Chapter 19: Using Social Media to Connect with Consumers: Marketing features a dedicated chapter for social media marketing, which is a new environment that is rapidly growing and changing. The authors cover the building blocks of social media marketing and provide interesting, thorough, and relevant content and examples. The authors discuss major social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Pinterest. They also explain how brand managers and companies can use these social networks to develop marketing actions to accomplish their marketing objectives. Also discussed in Chapter 19 are marketing metrics that are used to measure a company's success with social media marketing. This chapter is one reason why Marketing 12e is on the cutting-edge of marketing education.

Marketing in Asia(三版)非逛不可 好書推薦 博客來網路書店

  • 出版社:華泰文化    新功能介紹
  • 出版日期:2015/06/17
  • 語言:英文

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Marketing in Asia(三版)非逛不可


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